воскресенье, 30 октября 2016 г.

воскресенье, 16 октября 2016 г.


2-railway station
3-at a party
4-in a shop
5-in a hotel

A- a popular entartainment
B-a transport system
D-ecological problems

ex 5
2- was finished
3-has become

ex 6

воскресенье, 9 октября 2016 г.

Story(Amazing rescue)

                                     Amazing rescue                                             

One Monday afternoon,last month, my mom Julie and I decided to visit my uncle mr.Andrews,who lived in Miami and also we were travelling across the USA. At first when we arrived,we were very tired.Small puffy white clouds drifted lazily above our heads and then it started to rain,so we quickly went inside.
 The next day was disaster struck. Over 25000 people were died. After the earthquake authorities sent special workers for help.Workers were looking for people,who were still alive,but they didn't have any good results.Then, after two weeks one of the volunteers found to me and my family.
 Unfortunately nobody can understand how we managed to survive.And this is really a very interesting guestion.

воскресенье, 2 октября 2016 г.


                                                      Hurricane Katrina.

One afternoon last summer, my mom Julie and I decided to visit my uncle MrAndrews, who lived in a castle. When we arrived, we were very tired. Then it started to rain, so we quickly went inside.

On Tuesday,23rd August,2005,We had no idea that within days,80% of their city would be underwater in one of the worst disasters in Us history.New Orleans has always been unde threat from flooding. Almost 1,500 people had lost their lives because of Hurricane Katrina in New Orleans alone.

Also with my family  a million residents had already left the city,but tens of thousands,mainly the elderly and the poor,were in temporary shelters. As the waters rose,people were begging for help on roofs,and neighbourhoods were suffering from looting and violence.

These days, New Orleans is making a slow recovery.