понедельник, 7 сентября 2015 г.

My summer holidays.


                                                                                                                                               13, St. Alley

                                                                                                                                    2 September 2015

Dear Olga,

I am so glad that you wrote to me! Sorry for not writing for so long.

On holidays I visited many interesting places in summer. For example:Paris is very spectacular place in the world. There are many interesting places, shops, food stories, monuments, museums and parks. Disneyland park the most popular park in Paris. You can see many interesting places. Parks filled with more than 50 attractions. Even in Paris there is there is the Moulin Rouge is one of the French capital's most famous cabarets, drawing  audience from all over the world looking to see the dazzling,show, especially the crowd-pleasing Cancan. I love Paris. But I gave very funny amotions with my family in other countries.

On holidays I red many interesting books with my friends. I got many amotions on holidays!

I love my holidays!

Yours very truly,



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