June 4th 2016
My adress flat is 74,94 Universitetskaya Naberezhnaya street
Chelyabinsk, Russia
Dear Mary,
Thank you for your letter.I am so glad that you wrote to me.
On holidays I visited many interesting places in summer. In June with my family I am having a fantastic time here in Sherwood. Sherwood Forest Center Parcs is a family holiday village set in the beautiful forest of Sherwood with a stunning lanscape of trees, lakes and streams. But if you want to see the faithfuls, canyons and volcanoes, then you can go to Yellowstone National Park. Yellowstone National Park is a wonderful adventure! Also I visited Paris. It is very spectacular place in the world. There are many interesting places, shops, food stories, monuments, museums and parks. Even in Paris there is the Moulin Rouge.It is one of the French capital's most famous cabarets, drawing audience from all over the world looking to see the dazzling,show, especially the crowd-pleasing Cancan. I gave very funny amotions with my family in Paris.
What are you planning for the next summer? Have you visited a circus this summer? Did you like it?
Well,I must go now. I am meeting some friends in cinema .
Yours very truly,
My adress flat is 74,94 Universitetskaya Naberezhnaya street
Chelyabinsk, Russia
Dear Mary,
Thank you for your letter.I am so glad that you wrote to me.
On holidays I visited many interesting places in summer. In June with my family I am having a fantastic time here in Sherwood. Sherwood Forest Center Parcs is a family holiday village set in the beautiful forest of Sherwood with a stunning lanscape of trees, lakes and streams. But if you want to see the faithfuls, canyons and volcanoes, then you can go to Yellowstone National Park. Yellowstone National Park is a wonderful adventure! Also I visited Paris. It is very spectacular place in the world. There are many interesting places, shops, food stories, monuments, museums and parks. Even in Paris there is the Moulin Rouge.It is one of the French capital's most famous cabarets, drawing audience from all over the world looking to see the dazzling,show, especially the crowd-pleasing Cancan. I gave very funny amotions with my family in Paris.
What are you planning for the next summer? Have you visited a circus this summer? Did you like it?
Well,I must go now. I am meeting some friends in cinema .
Yours very truly,
Аня! Видно, что ты стараешься - молодец! Адрес не совсем как в образце. Чтобы было меньше ошибок - делай предложения не такими сложными и длинными. Пусть будут короче, но грамматически верными. Будь внимательнее в орфографии - проверяй по словарю. Когда спрашиваем про прошедшее лето - всё в Past Simple. В целом хорошо!
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